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Nezam Moradi
Nezam underneath the main bridge leading into Trondheim.

“I have a feeling that Norwegians do not like me because sometimes when I’m on the bus and a Norwegian gets on, he or she will sit beside another Norwegian instead of me.”
Bildet inngår i albumet A New Home - At the end of 2010 there were 43.7 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. This is the highest number in 15 years. For citizens of countries who have not experienced acts of war on national ground for generations it is difficult to understand what it means to be a refugee. ‘A New Home’ is an attempt to make the stories of some young refugees available for a wider audience to gain understanding of their situation.

The project focuses on six young refugees who have fled from all over the world to Trondheim, Norway. Some came on their own, leaving friends and family behind. Some have been through a long and traumatic journey that they will never forget. They have all had their life turned upside down but have taken the challenge and have created new lives for themselves.
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Carsten W.

Jeg skjønner idéen din og syns at det gar bra til slutt.
Men her må jeg si to ting: bildet ditt gar under i gallerien. Det er kanskje lurt å stramme inn litt. Og kontraster kunne være bedre, men det er bare min syn;)
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